Monday, February 1, 2016

Change your genes to fit into your jeans

      In my last post I said food is information as well as calories. That means that everything we eat sends a signal to our digestive systems telling it how to process what was just ingested. Our bodies are complicated chemical factories, and as such, they need to have directions for what to do and how to do it.
     Contrary to popular belief, the expression of our genes can be changed by what we eat. It is possible to turn genes on and off through the chemical signals sent through our bloodstream in the form of hormones. There are specific strategies for affecting specific gene expression. Doctors who practice functional medicine can do tests to see which hormones are functioning properly. Chances are your family doctor is merely prescribing drugs to control symptoms, not seeking out the source of whatever problem you may be facing. Obesity, arthritis, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or emotional problems like depression and all the diseases we fear are all affected by what we eat.                The human gut has trillions of microscopic organisms that help us to break down the food we take in and convert it to molecules that the body can utilize. We contain good organisms like lacto bacteria and bad organisms like Candida yeast. These microbes affect us in many way., None the least, they can affect the way our genes and hormones react to what we eat. Each of these groups of micro-organisms has its own likes and dislikes regarding what it wants to eat, and what it wants us to eat.
     To a large extent, the bacteria in our gut control our cravings. Some thrive on sugars (and starches that they convert into sugars) while others prefer protein or fats. Fat, which is what most of our cells use for energy and cell repair, are most easily digested. Carbohydrates and starches are digested in the upper G.I. tract while protein is broken down in the lower. All of this is done with the help of bacteria.
     Too many of the bad bacteria can result in gas, bloating, and many other forms of abdominal distress. Irritable bowel happens when an overabundance of the bad kinds cause perforations in the lining of the gut that allows damaging food particles and other substances to enter our bloodstream. This can cause havoc throughout the body in the form of inflamation that is the root cause of every debilitating disease fron arthritic to dementia to cancer and everything in between.
     We Americans are painfully ignorant of how powerful an effect food has on our every action, emotion, and thought. We cannot rely on the media or government to educate us in this area as they are not reliable. It is only through my own investigation and study that I have come to this conclusion. You have to do the same. Don't just take my word for it. See for yourself, but be prepared for lots of conflicting information. My advice: see what works best for you, and stick to it.