Friday, December 2, 2016

BEWARE:Big Food's jump onto the "Organic" bandwagon

I was almost fooled until I carefully read the label of Hellmanns Organic Mayonnaise more carefully.The first two ingredients were soybean oil and water. Innocuous, seemingly harmless ingredients until you put the two together and realize they are the components of something health conscious people want to avoid: hydrogenated oils. Hydrogenating the oil by mixing it with water makes it shelf stable so it can sit in a store for months, or even years, without spoiling, but doing so changes it so our bodies don't.know how to deal with it because it is now a transfat.  By listing the oil and water separately, the manufacturer is trying to put one over on an unsuspecting public that is trying to eat better by buying organic versions of whatever staples they can get or afford. Big Food has no soul. Dirty tricks like this are the norm. They don't care if what they are doing is hurting people as long as they can show a profit to their shareholders. Therefore, I say beware any product from one of the Big Food companies that is marketed as "organic." It may contain some organic ingredients, but is probably not going to carry the certification of any recognized authority. My advice, read labels twice before you buy, and don't trust anything from a Big Food company..Why, you may ask would big companies like Kraft or General Mills want to get in on the trend that is growing increasingly stronger of the demand for clean organically grown food? Profits. Organic foods are more expensive to produce due to the lack of use of pesticides and herbicides which usually means a smaller yield per acre ,i.e., higher prices. All the corporations have to do is change their labels and add the word organic to the garbage they produce.