Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Appalled by St. Jude Chidren's Hospital Ad.

Don't get the wrong impression. I was not angry with St. Jude's about the content of the ad, but that the ad was necessary at all. It showed a number of children who had lost their hair due to chemotherapy and had an unhealthy pallor to their skin. What pissed me off is that the suffering and pain these innocents and scores more like them have to undergo because the food supply in the USA is so toxic that it is making everyone sick, not just those poor children. St. Jude Hospital is worthy of my support, which I give gladly, and yours, too. 
      The science has been around for decades that the food that is reaching the shelves of local groceries is contaminated with every kind of poison imaginable. Herbicides, pesticides, heavy metals and molds are inserted into the food supply because of the way the farming is done on factory farms that produce the majority of what we eat. 
      Chemical companies, like Monsanto, one of the worst of a bad lot, patent seeds that are genetically engineered to withstand massive doses of the herbicide Roundup ( that incident-ally conains the same chemicals that made up Agent Orange of Viet Nam era infamy). It is sprayed on wheat, corn, and a plethora of other crops that go into our food supply either directly or as livestock feed that is eaten by cattle, pigs, and chickens. Even organic farms are affected by overspray and wind drift, so no really safe food is a rarity. 
     Parents who think they are providing wholesome, nurishing food to their kids are un-knowingly poisoning them. The public has been lied to so often that it now believes the lie to be the truth. A tactic used extensively by Adolph Hitler. The only way to defeat the conglom-erates that control the food chain is to not support them by buying the trash they are supply-ing.  Skip the sugar laden boxed breakfast cereals and fix them some oatmeal or bacon and eggs. At least you will know what they are eating. The next time you think about stopping at McDonalds or Burger King for that easy way out for you by buying dinner on the way home from work, ask yourself, "What kind of meat is in this? How much salt? How much sugar?" before you do. Save your kid's life.

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