Thursday, January 22, 2015

Healing with Steel?

Some people think they can take the easy way out and get rid of fat by undergoing surgery such as the lap band or stomach stapling that restrict the size of one's stomach capacity or by vacuuming away fat stores by liposuction. These are tactics of people who refuse to face reality and believe that they have control of what goes into their bodies. They want a quick fix so they don't have to accept responsibility for their unhealthy lifestyle. They prefer the risk of surgery rather than have to embrace any lifestyle changes. Many of the people who try the lap band or stomach stapling are people who have tried any number of diets and failed. Their weight gain is not their fault. The American public has long been misinformed about what is a healthy diet and what is not. They have been taught that low-fat is the way to go. That eating fat is what makes you fat when nothing could be further from the truth. Bad science back in the 1970s set us on a dangerous path toward metabolic syndrome and shortened lifespans. Recent research has found that contrary to fat making us fat, it is a necessary ingredient for our overall health, and especially, the health of our brain. According to Dr. David Perlmutter, in his book Grain Brain, the brain is composed mostly of fat and needs cholesterol and other fats to survive. He believes the increase in Alzheimer's disease and dementia is directly attributable to the trend towards a low-fat diet and an increase in the amount of sugar and refined carbohydrates consumed by the general populace. The majority of doctors don't know about current trends in nutrition research, and they are misadvising their patients by suggesting to them radical solutions like surgery. It has been statistically shown that people who undergo procedures such as the lap band soon regain whatever weight they lost unless they make other lifestyle changes including diet and exercise. What is necessary to obtain optimal health is a diet that best serves our physiology. Humans are omnivores. We need the foods are forbearers ate. We do not need the highly processed garbage that lines supermarket shelves and can be found in every fast food restaurant. Those are the things that are slowly killing us. More to come.

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