Wednesday, January 21, 2015

The First of 10 Reasons to Fire Your Doctor

If your doctor has been out of medical school for 10 years or more, he or she is probably way behind the latest research in nutrition. Most doctors only receive one semester of nutritional studies in medical school. On top of that, most of the information they receive is out of date unless their instructors are currently engaged in nutritional research. This lack of education and keeping up with what is happening in the field of nutrition is responsible for much of the obesity problem faced by millions of Americans. In the last five years, research in nutrition has turned upside down what most doctors and other health practitioners know about the subject. The majority of doctors practicing today were not taught to seek out the source of a person's malady, but to treat the symptoms with medication. This is one of the basic flaws in the medical system, and one that is costing billions to be added to the cost of healthcare. Much of the responsibility for this dangerous and expensive situation can be laid at the doorstep of the pharmaceutical companies that fund most of the medical schools. It is not in their interest to cure anything. It is much more profitable to treat symptoms and have continuous return of the patient for refills of a drug whose side effects might be worse than the problem they are supposed to be treating in which case another medicine will be prescribed to counter the side effects. Thus, on goes a continuous cycle that does not take away the problem but merely masks it. When an overweight patient goes into a doctor's office suffering from metabolic syndrome, which is a combination of obesity, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and prediabetes, they can expect to be handed several pages ripped from the physicians prescription pad for drugs to control the symptoms. You cannot blame the doctor for doing this because it is what they have been taught. To them, there is a pill for every problem. The pharmaceutical companies create a demand for their products by advertising on television, in magazines, on radio, and any other way they possibly can. They are all vying for the public's dollar. It is impossible to turn on a television, a radio, or open a magazine without coming across several ads for medications of every sort. Now, when someone experiences one of the symptoms that the ad allegedly cures, they go to their doctor and demand these medicines, even though the ads carry a long list of possible side effects that can be scary as hell, including death! What is really sick is our medical system, and Obama Care is not the cure. Stay tuned for Chapter 2: Healing with Steel.

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